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Schoenstatt San Antonio New Assignments

San Antonio, June 21, 2016, 7 PM


Extended Meeting of the Diocesan Committee with Board and leaders in the Shrine Ministry

Hosted by Fr. Jesus Ferras, Texas Movement Director

Fr. Patricio, Fr. Vega, Fr. Marcelo, Sr. Gloria, Sr. Heidi, Moderators in SA

 Fr. Jesus read the letter of March 15, regarding new assignments and the transfer of Fr. Marcelo, who served as coordinator of the Schoenstatt Movement for almost six years.  Fr. Marcelo was thanked for his service, also as an instrument in the initiatives he accomplished at Mount Schoenstatt and for bringing about more interaction with the archdiocese in regard to the shrine and the Movement.

 New Assignments:

·         Branch moderators –

o   Sr. Gloria Mauricio, Family Branch, will represent FB in the Diocesan Committee

o   Sr. Heidi Infante, Mothers Branch

o   Sr. Gloria and Fr. Vega for the SRC

·         Shrine Ministry  --

o   Fr. Hector Vega

·         Coordinator for San Antonio

o   Fr. Patricio Rodriguez

o   Also, moderator for the Family Branch

The coordinator works closely with the diocesan committee and uses the motto as impulse. The Diocesan Committee, under the leadership or the Movement Coordinator, is the ultimate body responsible for the local diocesan Movement according to the structure set by our Father and Founder.

Central Committee of Moderators meet 4 times a year to discuss and discern the life of the Movement and the Branches in the League.

Fr. Jesus emphasized that we must continue to work closely with our moderators striving for unity and cooperation, although unity can be frail at times, we continue.  In our efforts to safeguard unity, we want to follow the teachings of Pope Francis.  We have to have humility to be instruments for Blessed Mother’s mission from her shrine.  She comes to each of us with the grace we need.

Fr. Marcelo expressed gratitude for friendships he has made with the San Antonio Family as fruit of his ministry to us and for his own personal growth.  He looks forward to his new assignment as Coordinator of the SRC nationwide.

Sr. Gloria shared that she wanted to bring “mission zeal” to the family branch in San Antonio.

Sr. Heidi emphasized “working together” in all going on in San Antonio with the shrine.

Fr. Patricio spoke from his heart with a spirit of gratitude saying that Schoenstatt is our life.  Dedication to the Schoenstatt Movement is always in the hands of Divine Providence.  The Schoenstatt Fathers are sent, surprised – referring to new assignments.  Leaving an assignment is difficult but that he is available where Divine Providence needs him.  He shared that he received the gift of knowing San Antonio from Fr. Marcelo.  Life in community has the important aspect of being able to share the fire of the mission with the brother priests.

Fr. Vega wants to build on what has already been built up, glad to be a part of becoming more cor unum in Patre for the future.

Fr. Jesus stressed that the Schoenstatt Fathers are 100% with us; we are not on our own.  He wants San Antonio to strive to continue growing – to make a beautiful life according to Divine Providence and the pace He sets.  He assured us that we are in the prayers of the Fathers community and they want to continue with our history of working together.


·         Continue developing and working on the mission of San Antonio

o   We have direction and want to proceed

o   Schoenstatt Family is united through the leaders – build family unity

·         Strengthen diocesan committee

o   Be open to receive new leaders

·         Identify and invite new leaders

·         Also, be able to identify within Movement other leaders for renewal of leadership, after years of service.

·         Shrine Ministry

o   Establish Shrine Pastoral Committee with vision for ministry from the shrine, that is serving the pilgrims and the larger needs of the diocese and the Church.

·        Note:  Board is at the service of the life of the Movement, to enable, serve and support the needs that come from the Diocesan Committee and the needs of the Shrine (Pastoral Committee).

Sharing by the leaders present:

Ø    Talks on Schoenstatt are presented in Spanish 30 minutes before the Mass at three parishes:  OLG, St. Matthews, St. Bridget also, being requested in English.  Fr. Jesus recommended that before committing to new programs to get back-up support.

Ø   Re the Pastoral Committee, Sacraments need the approval of the coordinator.

Ø  Day Retreats – more retreats are being schedule by the various departments of the Archdiocese Pastoral Center, including the Campus Ministry Office which has two retreats scheduled – Oct. 29 and Nov. 12.  We continue to serve our archdiocese through our facilities rentals to parish ministries, other movements, youth groups, Catholic school staff, and groups.  Also, we have had an increase in bus pilgrimages coming by bus.  In 2015, visitors from 64 cities in Texas, from 21 states plus the District of Columbia in the USA and from 15 countries in the world were welcomed at the Cor Unum in Patre Shrine!   In the past year, including pilgrims and program services the number served is over 10,000.

Ø  Mothers group instead of having their monthly meeting they went on pilgrimage to a Church with a Holy Door.  They took the Pilgrim Shrine and received an invitation to return to share about Schoenstatt.

Ø  St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop – a new opportunity for not only spreading Schoenstatt and our shrine but also to earn funds by having volunteers work at the Thrift Shop three or four hours on the fourth Saturdays (also fifth Saturdays).

Ø  The organized Movement work is from the shrine to the people and the pilgrims’ movement.  The people receive an introduction, experience the shrine and then go deeper.  Our covenant of love sets us on fire!

Ø  Covenant Mass for Families, July 18

Ø  20th anniversary of Mount Schoenstatt, August 12, 1996-2016!

In Inspiring comments by Fr. Jesus:

     The Letter from the Pentecost Congress challenged us and called us to become a “Schoenstatt on the Move!”  We accepted and want to continue with enthusiasm – it is all for Blessed Mother!

The Movement is limited if leaders are not available. They are required for growth. Branch leaders should identify potential leaders in their branches and invite them to come forward to take on responsibilities. Structures have to be in place. It is the responsibility of the branch leaders to meet regularly with group leaders of their respective branches forming a “Branch Core Team” and form and prepare mentors for potential new groups.

New family branch Marriage Strengthening Retreat will be held at Lamar in English

Five vocations from TX to the Schoenstatt Fathers, including Hector Islas and Josh Parker from SA. They leave in January 2017 to South America to start Novitiate. Seminarian Jeff Roedel from Milwaukee has four more years of formation to go before ordination. Keep them in your prayers, they will be our future Schoenstatt Fathers.

Pilar Huerta, Family Federation

Communications Editor

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