
Family Branch

Charla Sobre el Jubileo de la Esperanza 

El Sabado 15 de Febrero se realizo la charla bilingue del Padre Michael Kast sobre el Jubileo de la Esperanza. Aprendimos de donde viene su origen de las indulgencias plenarias, cuales son los requisites, y sobre las Iglesias que son consideradas como “Puertas Santas.” Hermoso momento compartido con los asistentes.


Talk from Fr. Kast about the Jubilee of Hope

On Saturday, February 15, Father Michael Kast gave a bilingual talk about the Jubilee of Hope.  We learned about the origin of plenary indulgences, what the requirements are, and about the churches that have been selected as Holy Doors. It was a beautiful moment shared with those in attendance.

Fr Kast Talk 1


Renovacion de Nuestra Alianza de Amor 

Compartimos una hermosa  Santa Misa el  Sabado 15 de Febrero al pie del Santuario y pudimos renovar nuestra Alianza de Amor y quemar nuestros Capitales de Gracias. La Santa Misa Dominical se realiza los primeros y terceros Sabados de cada mes a las 5 pm. Están todos invitados a participar.


Renewal of our Covenant of Love

We shared a beautiful Holy Mass on Saturday, February 15 at the foot of the Shrine and we were able to renew our Covenant of Love and burn our Capitals of Grace. The Holy Sunday Mass is held on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 5 pm. Everyone is invited to participate.

Covenant of Love 1 Covenant of Love 3

Covenant of Love 2


Comité Diocesano de Schoenstatt San Antonio

Es importante que todos conozcamos que hay un grupo de personas que representan las diferentes ramas del Movimiento en Schoenstatt San Antonio. Nos reunimos cada cierto tiempo para poder compartir los eventos a realizar o realizados, a dar nuevas ideas para nuestra comunidad, y a trabajar juntos para brindar todo el carino a todo peregrino que nos visita en nuestro Santuario. ¡Estamos para servírlos siempre!


Diocesan Committee Schoenstatt San Antonio

It is important that we all know that there is a group of people who represent the different branches of the Movement in Schoenstatt San Antonio and we meet to share the events to be held or carried out, to give new ideas for our community and to work together to offer all the love to every pilgrim who visits us in our Sanctuary.  We are always here to serve You!

Diocesan Committee


Próximos Eventos

Los invitamos a participar a participar en los proximos eventos en Schoenstatt San Antonio:

Sabado, 1 de Marzo a las 3 pm. Los invitamos a venir con ropa comoda y con todas sus intenciones para peregrinar juntos hacia la parte superior del Santuario cantando, rezando, ofreciendo nuestro peregrinar por todas nuestras intenciones.  Finalmente compartiremos bebidas y alimentos que cada uno pueda traer ese dia y los invitamos a quedarse a la Santa Misa a las 5 pm al pie del Santuario.  Es una actividad para senoras, senores , jovenes y familias que deseen participar.  Puede traer su imagen de San Jose para la peregrinacion si lo desea.

Sabado, 26 de Abril a las 5 pm. Los invitamos a celebrar a las parejas, en el evento de “ Couples Happy Hour- the Faith and Love” Evento donde compartiremos un momento en pareja,tiempo romatico de dos, donde tendremos piqueos y una copa de vino para celebrar el amor matrimonial, ademas de poder  reflexionar con una charla que nos compartira el Padre Michael Kast. Reserve la fecha y ven a reencantar tu amor en pareja!

Domingo, 27 de Abril a las 2 pm. Los invitamos a una Santa Misa y a las 3 pm a rezar y cantar a la Divina Misericordia, sera un dia muy especial de homenajear a nuestro Senor Jesus en nuestro Santuario.


Upcoming Events

We invite you to participate in the upcoming events at Schoenstatt San Antonio.

Saturday, March 1 at 3 pm. All are invited to come to Mount Schoenstatt with all of your prayer intentions – and your comfortable shoes and clothes – to walk in pilgrimage together in celebration of the upcoming Solemnity of St. Joseph to the top of the Shrine, singing, praying, and offering up our intentions. You are welcome to bring refreshments and food to share with each other. We also invite you to stay for Holy Mass, which will be held at 5 pm at the foot of the Shrine. This is an activity for ladies, gentlemen, young people, and families who wish to participate. We encourage you to bring your images or statues of St. Joseph for the pilgrimage.

Saturday, April 26 at 5 pm. Join us in celebrating married couples at the “Couples Happy Hour: Faith & Love” event where we will share a moment together as couples, have romantic time for two, snacks and even a glass of wine to celebrate marital love! Father Michael Kast will also share a special reflection with us. Save the date and come re-enchant your love as a couple!

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27 at 2 pm. We invite you to Holy Mass at 2pm followed by praying and singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet. It will be a very special day to honor our Lord Jesus in our Shrine.

St Joseph ENG St Joseph SPAN

Divine Mercy ENG Divine Mercy SPAN

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